If a story makes me cry, I know it's good ~ Louis B. Mayer

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Play it again, Sam.

For some people, at least half of their brain is made up of song lyrics. Others are able to spew poetry into a conversation, however unnecessary or unappreciated. Then there's us, the classic film nuts, who mouth the words along with Atticus Finch no matter how many times we've heard him tell Scout the secret to getting along with folks. It's as if we're always on constant vigil, waiting for the opportunity to tell some poor unsuspecting "my dear" what it is exactly that we don't give a damn about. But some of these little gems just fit any given situation so well, we can't help ourselves. Here's my top 10. Feel free to confess your own.
(Caveat emptor: I never claimed any of these were normal or made sense). 

#1. "Here we are, Sunset and Camden!" Singing in the Rain
I announce this almost every time I pull into a parking place, and always in my best sing-songy Debbie Renolds' voice.

#2. "Turn right here left!" The Long Trailer
You can imagine all the times that proclamation comes in handy.

#3. "No you ain't! You're not gonna show your bosom before three o'clock!" Gone with the Wind

#4. "Y for him, ie for me." Adam's Rib.
In this comedy courtroom classic, Spencer and Katherine's nick names for each other are Pinky and Pinkie, and because I frequently have to correct someone on how to spell my name, the "ie for me" part is pertinent. 

#5. "I think I'll have a large order of prognosis negative." Dark Victory
How do you ever order anything without thinking, (hopefully not saying) that?
#6. "A party indeed." Deception
Never are we more in love with a bigger jerk that when Claude Rains busts in on that party.

#7. "Why do they always look like unhappy rabbits?" All About Eve
The perfect answer to those who ruthlessly hound me to try match.com.

#8. "Your father doesn't know beans about piggy backing!" It Happened One Night.
I'm telling you, you find reasons to say these things.

#9. "You know we got rats in the cellar?" What Ever Happened to Baby Jane.
Well, do you?

 #10. "Come on Dover! Move your bloomin' ass!!" My Fair Lady.
The only way to survive rush hour traffic is to scream this at the top of your lungs. Try it.

Those are mine! What are yours?

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